Scripture calls us to go and tell the world about Jesus Christ.  While we strive to support missionaries around the world, we realize that the world starts at our own doorstep.  As such, we regularly have services and events at the church that are designed for those in our local community.

Community Pancake Breakfast & Back-to-School Clothing Outreach - Normally at the end of July, we devote one Saturday to serve anyone in our community with a free breakfast of pancakes and sausage - with no strings attached!  During that time, we offer gently used clothing of various sizes to anyone who comes so they can get their wardrobe ready for their kids or themselves.

Vacation Bible School - In June each year, we host our own Vacation Bible school for kids in the community through 6th grade.  The last day of VBS is held during our Sunday morning worship service and followed by a picnic for all kids and their parents.

Chicken BBQ Sunday - Each year in September, we have a special "end of the summer" picnic after a Sunday morning worship service with some of the best BBQ chicken you will find around.

Master Club Special Events - As part of our Master Club program, we have several special programs designed for the community parents to attend.  These include our Master Club Gran Prix Derby Night (usually in March), Master Club Carnival Sunday (our end of the season wrap-up Sunday with picnic and games after the AM service), Master Club Pumpkin Patch Night (at the end of October) and more.

Good Friday and Easter Sunday Services - Of course, our community is invited to ANY of our services, but Good Friday and Easter are often special occasions when those in the community may have reason to attend.  Our Easter Sunday services include an 8:30am "Early Riser" service, Easter breakfast, followed by a 10:30am Morning Worship Service.

Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday - In mid-November, we have a special Thanksgiving dinner with all of the "fixins" after our AM Worship Service.  

Christmas Program & Christmas Eve Services - Each year in December, we have a special Christmas program that normally includes elements of music and drama.  Our Christmas Eve Candlelight service is also a special time to get together by candlelight, enjoy special music, and remember Christ's birth.