Wars. Rumors of Wars. Earthquakes in diverse places. Astronomical events in the sky. The Bible tells us to be looking for these earthly indicators that our heavenly King Jesus is coming back to earth soon. The truth is that we have had many wars, earthquakes and solar eclipses in the past 2000 years (and people have been prepared with their “doomsday” mentality) – but the rapture hasn’t happened yet. While I do believe we are living at the end of the last days, I am worried about all of the fear-mongering that has been cropping up on the internet these past weeks – pointing to these signs as confirmation that the end is near. The Bible clearly states that “of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark 13:32). However, it has me asking some questions – What if were the end? Are you prepared for Christ’s return? As believers in Christ, should we have anxiety about the end times? What message would we hope to leave those on earth who will face the tribulation period?

Let’s back up for a minute and clarify a few important things. First, while we are to be ready at any moment, I am not suggesting that the end is here. Mark 13:33 tells us to “watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” But that simple means we need to be prepared for the end. The only way to do that is to repent of your sin, accept the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and receive the free gift of new life found in Him. Without the security of knowing Christ as Savior, the end times are definitely to be feared. This leads to the second important point which is that as believers we should be anxiously looking forward to Christ’s return (i.e. the rapture) – not anxious about it. It is a time of rejoicing when “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is not a time to worry or be upset. If you are sure of your new life in Christ, the rapture is when you will be taken out of this world so that you can witness the horrendous events as a spectator, but not as a participant.

Finally, what about those who will be “left behind”. To be left behind at the rapture means that you did not place your faith in Jesus Christ. You rejected His gift of salvation. Coming to repentance after the rapture is going to be much more difficult. As the tribulation period begins, the Antichrist will arise and bring a strong delusion to the people (2 Thessalonians 2:11), Satan will run rampant and the witness of Christians and the Holy Spirit will be very limited. There will be a remnant of Jewish believers who will be witnessing to the Jewish people (Revelation 14:1), but Bible scholars are undecided about the Bible’s clear teaching on non-Jews and whether they will have opportunity during the tribulation to be saved. What is clear is that nearly all people will be deceived by the false teaching of the antichrist.

So, if it were the end, I would have three messages to share: First – if you know the Lord as Savior, “watch and pray”. This is a time of joyous anticipation! Second – if you don’t know the Lord as Savior, “behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Don’t delay your decision to come to Christ. Write to me if you have questions – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Finally, if you are reading this and the rapture has already taken place, you need to know that there has only ever been ONE way to salvation – through the Lord Jesus Christ. Admit you are a sinner and call on God’s mercy. While Bible scholars disagree on this point, perhaps it is not too late for you. Remember that the Bible says - “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

As for me and the other Christians, we won’t be around to help. I’ll be watching the events of the tribulation unfold in the world by the side of Jesus Christ. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20). I hope that you will be as well!