“For so many in our nation, this is a dark, dark time. So where do we turn? Faith.” This quote could have come from any Bible believing pulpit this past Sunday, but it didn’t.

“When God made you, He broke the mold!” Have you ever heard someone say this? In today’s culture, there is a pervasive mindset that we are to celebrate the quirks, characteristics and values

Have you ever wondered if God’s work is being hindered by the things happening in our world today? Problems, delays and detours seem to plague us. Government leaders impose laws that restrict freedom

Last week we witnessed the inauguration of a new President and with it, a new shift of power and leadership in our country. If you watched closely, you might have heard the phrase “so help me God” at the end

At first I thought it was a joke - but sadly, it wasn't. A theological faux pas was committed last week at our nation’s capitol during the opening prayer for the 117th Congress. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver,