Each generation has a few significant moments that impact their place in history. Among the more recent ones are the attacks on 9/11, the space shuttle disaster, and the JFK assassination. Each one of these events caused time to briefly stand still as America looked on. Surely one of these pivotal moments occurred recently in Butler, PA when a would-be assassin’s bullet grazed the ear of former President Trump. With any incident of this nature, there will be endless questions and likely years of analysis. People want answers for their questions - exactly what happened? could it have been prevented? what was the motive? and was it a conspiracy?

Details about what happened and what motivated the shooter will emerge over the weeks and months ahead. Conspiracy theories have already begun to be put out for consideration. Yet, the question that believers face is one of greater significance as we deal with the question of fate and chance. Did God intervene in the affairs of that day or was this just a lucky day for Donald Trump? We may not ever know the motives or all of the details of what exactly happened, but we can know some things about God and His sovereignty from the Bible.

First, there is no such thing as “chance”, “coincidence”, or “luck” as we tend to use those terms. While I have no problem using phrases like “you are lucky” or “what a coincidence”, it is important that we acknowledge that God is the initiator and controller of EVERY circumstance and outcome in life. Karma or luck or chance have no role in determining what occurs in our lives. Ephesians 1:11 tells us that God “worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.” The one, true God of the Bible is described as the creator of all, the all-powerful one, the all-knowing one, and the sustainer of all things. In simple terms, God is sovereign. Nothing takes Him by surprise and He actively is at work in the world today. This means that our understanding of “chance” is really “God’s providence”.

This brings up the next logical question – if God was in control of the assassination attempt (and prevented it), then what does that mean? Some would jump to the conclusion that God saved the former President so that he could go on to win the election. While that might be true, we need to be careful about presuming the intentions of God. He tells us that “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9). We get into dangerous territory when we speculate as to WHY God chooses to do something. It could be that God wanted to do a work in Donald Trump’s personal life, to get him to understand the brevity of life and give acknowledgement to God for his life. It could be that God has some other greater and grander plan that is not related directly to the election or the fate of this country. We simply do not know God’s reason.

What should be the believer’s reaction to an event like this? First, recognize that God was in control of every aspect of that day. It was not chance that Trump turned his head or that the bullet hit his ear. Second, don’t jump to conclusions about what God’s purposes were in saving the life of former President Trump (or allowing some of the bullets to hit and kill some of the spectators). We simply don’t know the mind of God. Third, while we don’t know WHY God allowed these events to occur, we can be assured that God will use them to fulfill His master plan for the lives of individuals, for our country and for the future. He is the master of all things and, as such, He allows nothing to chance. He is at work in the details of life to accomplish His perfect plan that is for our good and His glory.