I write this at the risk of being labeled “un-American,” but feel that something needs to be said. There are many today who have lost their love for our country, who feel that we are not the greatest nation on earth, and who question the authenticity of the God that brought our country so much blessing. They would rather burn the flag and turn to failed models of economics and government from failing socialist and communist nations from around the world. They celebrate many new holidays throughout the year, but Flag Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day no longer fill them with a sense of love for their country. I am not one of them. When I sing “America, America, God shed His grace on thee….”, I believe it. However, there are also those Christians that have gone to the other extreme, who have come to believe that patriotism for our country is somehow an identifying mark of their personal identity in Christ.

Known in the broad sense as “Christian Nationalism”, this movement is a pitfall that has led many to merge their love of country with their love of Christ. They conclude that God’s blessings on our nation indicate a special place that God has for us in the future. Some have even argued that God’s promises for Israel apply to the United States of America. These are all dangerous assertions and reveal an ignorance of God’s plan for ALL nations and ALL people for ALL the ages. Here are several inherent problems with this type of thinking:

  1. It CONFUSES Our Object of Worship – God alone is to get the glory. He alone is worthy to be praised and worshipped. We must be careful to protect this in our lives (remember the first commandment?) While it is right and acceptable to thank Him for the wonderful country and freedoms that we enjoy, it is not right to replace His rightful spot on the throne. Some forms of patriotism come close to putting our nation or our beloved leaders on the throne with God.

  2. It CONFLATES Our Source of Authority – Since the Christian Nationalist is fully vested into the politics of the country, if the right person or party doesn’t take power it can become an existential crisis. It can undermine what the Bible teaches about God and His sovereignty. While you know that God is still somehow in charge, this authority and power can be called into question when the “wrong” candidate wins.

  3. It CONDONES Un-Biblical Alliances – There are many flag-waving, country-loving, red-blooded Americans who may even call themselves Christians, but who do not truly live for Christ. Many of these groups condone bigotry, racism, and violence in the name of patriotism. Do we just cast a blind eye to those who hold such views? For some in this movement, as long as the group promotes patriotism in some form we will be aligned with them, accept their actions, and allow them to promote their un-Biblical views for the sake of the country. When patriotism is too intertwined with our faith, this can be seen as a necessary evil that some have come to accept.

Before you start to throw darts at this seemingly anti-patriotic discourse, let me leave you with these thoughts. First, we need to value our system of government, participate in its elections, pray for our leaders, and be thankful that we still live with the MANY freedoms that we still have. Second, there is plenty of room in Scripture for us to remain fiercely patriotic and also fired up for our faith – but we must not allow these two distinct things to be confused with each other. I’ll gladly salute the flag, have an apple pie and be decked out in red, white, and blue to show my love for this country – but my love for the Lord goes far deeper and is going to continue for eternity when He comes back for me. At that day EVERY nation, tribe and tongue will bow at the feet of Jesus Christ. Until that time, may God continue to bless America!