Much ado was made recently when a well-known celebrity died just short of her 100th birthday. It seemed like her legacy was timeless. Yet, while some people seem to enjoy many long years on earth, others seem to die too young. Why do some people lose their lives when in their prime while others live long lives only to suffer from pain, disease or dementia? For all of humanity, we have tried to improve our lifespans through better eating, exercise, moral purity and other techniques. However, the secret to a guaranteed long and healthy life has remained elusive. Two things we know from the Bible are that God appoints each of our days on this earth and that He has put a limit on the maximum lifespan of mankind. With that in mind, it got me asking the question, “What guidance can we find from scripture about making sense of the length of our lives?”

We tend to measure our lives by how many years we have lived. Each birthday we blow out the candles and add another tally to the total. But what if we measured our days instead of our years? While none of us knows how many years we have, each of us has the day that we wake up to each morning. In fact, this is what the Psalmist tell us to do: “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). From this simple change of thinking, let me assert three simple ideas about how we should conduct our lives:

Each Day Has a Purpose - If God is truly sovereign (in total control) and if He oversees every aspect of our lives (which He does), the only logical conclusion to make is that each day you wake up with breath in your lungs is a day which God has created to fulfill His will and purpose in YOU. For believers, this is a holy calling and purpose. 2 Timothy 1:9 tells us that God has “called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace”. In light of this, you can be confident that no matter your health, status, mindset, disposition, or limitations – God has a purpose for you today!

Take One Day at a Time – While the Bible certainly tells us to make preparations for tomorrow, to make plans, and to anticipate the future with hope, God also wants us to live each day in His grace. This was the model given to the Israelites as they wandered through the wilderness for 40 years and were only given sustenance one day at a time. We aren’t supposed to worry or fret over what the future may bring. Matthew 6:34 tells us to “take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” In other words, “Don’t borrow trouble”. God only promises to give the grace to deal with the needs we have today. Put the problems of tomorrow on the shelf and have faith that God’s grace will be sufficient to help you through that day when you get there. But for now, draw on the strength and provision found in Jesus Christ for what you need today!

Make Each Day Count – These principles all lead to the greatest life-changing conclusion that we can make about our lives. It is summed up well in James 4:14-17 (take a moment to read it now). James tells us that our lives are very short in light of eternity and the amount of time we are given on this earth is unknown. In light of this, we are told to seek and do the Lord’s will (v.15) and to do what we know is right each day (v.17). In other words, we are to make each day count for Him. I recently came across this quote, “We often hear ‘Life is short… better enjoy it!’ How about ‘Eternity is long… better prepare for it!’”

Perhaps it is best summed up in this way - Your life is not about you. You can’t control your circumstances, your limitations, or your longevity. Even the things you believe you control are actually in God’s hands. Given this, what is most imperative is that you come to yield your life to Him and turn to salvation found in Jesus Christ. When you do that, you will find that you have a new life in Christ and that “your life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Your life will then be all about living for Him, glorifying Him, making each day count for Him, and anticipating the day when you will live with Him for all eternity. For in eternity, there will be no more age limit!